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Polynesia Gem


Simple necklace of a large 12mm Tahitian Pearl linked to a decorative bail - hung from an 18" dainty Ball chain

This is a typical steel black pearl associated with being named - black pearl

Tahitian Pearls are the only pearls that come in a full array of colours. Black Akoya Pearls, for example, are dyed. This is what makes Tahitian Pearls so special because the rainbow-like mantle of the Pinctada margaritifera has the ability to produce a rainbow of natural coloured pearls

Amongst the most beautiful pearls in the world, cultured Tahitian pearls are from the warm ocean waters of French Polynesia

Pinctada margaritifera, commonly known as the black-lip pearl oyster, is a species of pearl oyster, a saltwater mollusk, a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Pteriidae. This species is common in the Indo-Pacific within tropical coral reefs

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